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Sasha and Lisa ( - website) Canada
Favorite: Lina
Sasha Rin ( - website) United States
Favorite: All
Sasuke ( - website) Romania
Favorite: Zelgadis
Satan Deathcake ( - website) United States
Favorite: Xelloss/Phibrizo
Satsu ( - website) Russia
Favorite: All
Satsuki ( - website) Poland
Favorite: Xelloss
Satsuki ( - website) Hungary
Favorite: Lina/Xelloss
Satuki Mandy ( - website) Brazil
Favorite: Lina
Savannah ( - website) Canada
Favorite: Amelia/Zelgadis/Lina/Xelloss
Saya ( - website) Slovenia
Favorite: Gourry
Sayuri (email - website) Italy
Favorite: Lina
Scarlet (email - website) Canada
Favorite: Gourry/Amelia/Zelgadis/Lina
Scarlytte ( - website) United States
Favorite: All
Scheletro (email - website) Hong Kong
Favorite: Xelloss
Sci-Fi Gal ( - website) United States
Favorite: Naga
Sdarian (email - website) United States
Favorite: Lina/Xelloss
Sean Mitchell ( - website) United States
Favorite: All
Seba ( - website) Argentina
Favorite: Lina
Second Child ( - website) United States
Favorite: Zelgadis
Security Kda ( - website) Bulgaria
Favorite: All
Seena Nubsamei ( - website) United States
Favorite: All
Seiana ( - website) United States
Favorite: Xelloss
Seishin (email - website) United States
Favorite: Amelia
Selah ( - website) United States
Favorite: Martina
Selene la Luna ( - website) United States
Favorite: Zelgadis
Selina ( - website) Germany
Favorite: All
Selphie Rina Cassandra ( - website) Italy
Favorite: Lina
Senesdrotte ( - website) Poland
Favorite: All
Senshi ( - website) United States
Favorite: Lina
Senyee ( - website) Ireland
Favorite: Zelgadis
Sephora Zammit ( - website) Malta
Favorite: Lina/Zelgadis
Serafina ( - website) Poland
Favorite: Xelloss
Serafina ( - website) Poland
Favorite: All
Sere Malfoy ( - website) Spain
Favorite: Valgaav
Serena (email - website) United States
Favorite: Zelgadis
Serena Tsukino ( - website) Venezuela
Favorite: Filia
Serena Tsukino ( - website) Venezuela
Favorite: Lina/Gourry/Amelia/Filia/Xelloss
Serene ( - website) United States
Favorite: Lina
Serenity hime ( - website) Poland
Favorite: Lina
Sergio ( - website) Argentina
Favorite: Lina
Sergio Travesi ( - website) Spain
Favorite: All
Serifin (email - website) Switzerland
Favorite: Gourry/Lina
Serj ( - website) Russia
Favorite: Xelloss
Seryn Kai ( - website) England
Favorite: Lina
Seshan ( - website) Poland
Favorite: Lina/Zelgadis/Xelloss
Setami ( - website) Poland
Favorite: Naga
Setsuka ( - website) Spain
Favorite: Zelgadis
Seujiro ( - website) Colombia
Favorite: Lina
Seya Millenium ( - website) Italy
Favorite: All
Shad ( - website) United States
Favorite: Lina/Zelgadis
Shade ( - website) France
Favorite: Xelloss
Shadow (email - website) United States
Favorite: Filia
Shadow Dragon Boss (email - website) Canada
Favorite: Zelgadis
Shadu (email - website) United States
Favorite: Xelloss/Lina/Zelgadis
Shai Juni ( - website) United States
Favorite: Zelgadis
Shampoo (email - website) Poland
Favorite: Xelloss
Shan-chan ( - website) United States
Favorite: All
Shane ( - website) Germany
Favorite: All
Shannon ( - website) United States
Favorite: Gourry
Shannon Harris ( - website) United States
Favorite: Lina
Share (email - website) France
Favorite: Naga
Shaula ( - website) Brazil
Favorite: Zelgadis
Shaun ( - website) Australia
Favorite: Amelia
Shayla ( - website) United States
Favorite: Zelgadis
Sheera ( - website) Poland
Favorite: Lina
Sher ( - website) United States
Favorite: Lina/Gourry/LoN
Shere ( - website) Spain
Favorite: Filia/Valgaav/Lina
Sherika (email - website) Zimbabwe
Favorite: All
Sherry ( - website) Poland
Favorite: Gourry
Shi-chan ( - website) United States
Favorite: Xelloss
Shibi Ceros ( - website) Chile
Favorite: Xelloss
Shima (email - website) United States
Favorite: Lina
Shin ( - website) Peru
Favorite: All
Shinami ( - website) Qatar
Favorite: All
Shinidanie ( - website) France
Favorite: Zelgadis/Xelloss
Shinjurei ( - website) United States
Favorite: All
Shinnosuke-chan ( - website) Italy
Favorite: All
Shion ( - website) United States
Favorite: Gourry
Shiori ( - website) Australia
Favorite: Lina
Shippomey ( - website) United States
Favorite: Filia
Shirahime ( - website) Brazil
Favorite: Lina
Shire ( - website) Spain
Favorite: Zelgadis
Shirley ( - website) Canada
Favorite: All
Shirogane Tenshi ( - website) Poland
Favorite: Lina/Valgaav
Shiroi (email - website) Chile
Favorite: Gourry
Shirokai ( - website) Spain
Favorite: All
Shirurei ( - website) United States
Favorite: Lina
Shisama ( - website) United States
Favorite: All
Shiver ( - website) United States
Favorite: Xelloss
Shizuka (email - website) United States
Favorite: Zelgadis
Shooting Star ( - website) Italy
Favorite: Xelloss
Shortys ( - website) Spain
Favorite: Gourry
Shoto (email - website) Japan
Favorite: All
Shuen ( - website) United States
Favorite: All
Shui ( - website) Canada
Favorite: Lina/Gourry/Zelgadis
Shuichi-kun ( - website) Puerto Rico
Favorite: All
Shukaru ( - website) Spain
Favorite: Zelgadis/Lina/Amelia
Shuku ( - website) Australia
Favorite: All
Sibylena (email - website) France
Favorite: Xelloss
Silent Angel ( - website) Poland
Favorite: All
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