Keep In Mind

I love all of my fanlistings but there may come a time when I am no longer able to maintain them. This is where the Keep In Mind list comes in. I am saving a list of people who have expressed an interest in adopting my fanlistings should I ever choose to look for new owners. If you would like to be added to the list please contact me.

    Aladdin: Jasmine
    Courtney, Erin, Carla, Christine

    Aladdin: A Whole New World

    Anastasia: Anastasia Romanov (Anya)
    Espo, Veronica


    Anime Music and Soundtracks


    Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Tsukino Usagi
    Danielle *

    Cold Case

    Disney: Heroines
    Cassie, Christine

    Doctor Who: The Doctor & Rose Tyler

    Dragonball: Bulma Briefs

    Final Fantasy X/X-2: Yuna
    Amber, Larissa

    House: Gregory House
    Lisa, Kelsey, Jef, Audrie

    Little Mermaid: Part of Your World
    Leigh Ann, Christine


    Music of Disney

    My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
    Nikki *, Lady Rose

    Ranma 1/2
    Carla, Ai

    Resident Evil series

    Silent Hill Series
    Carla *, Mal

    Slayers series

    Slayers: Xelloss

    Sonic the Hedgehog: Tails
    Amber, Amber

    Super Mario Brothers: Princess Peach
    Courtney, Carla

    Tangled: Rapunzel

    Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle



Part of Buruma Network. I do not own the rights to any of the characters featured on this website.