
Welcome to the TFL approved fanlisting for the 1995 film A Little Princess as well as the 1905 novel A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett and TAFL approved fanlisting for the 1985 anime series Shokojo Sera (Little Princess Sara). The latest update occurred on September 01st 2024 and there are currently 2 members with 1 pending approval.

    Opened: July 26th 2024
    Last updated: September 01st 2024
    Member count: 2 (1 pending)
    Newest members: Buruma
    Listed: TAFL & TFL

Buruma Network Imaginary Collective AnimeFanlistings.Com TheFanlistings.Org 


Movies: Bambi Movies: Coraline Literature: Grimms' Fairy Tales Movies: A League Of Their Own Movies: Les Miserables 